January Reflection

January Reflection

Hey y'all, Happy New Year!

How are you guys? I've missed chatting with you! January has been an extremely long month, but we're finally at the end. For at least two weeks I was sick and couldn't work on any of the things I had planned, but we've been pretty good with pivoting over the years, and was still able to execute our plans for our upcoming releases.

January has been a fairly slow month as far as sales, but things happen, and we didn't give up. After 31 days of being in a drought we finally got some orders at the end of the month. I'm not going to lie, I didn't think we were going to make it, but GOD said otherwise.Β 

The CEO celebrated a birthday on the 28th which was a lot to prepare for personally and business wise, but we were able to fulfill the goal. This was the first time attempting a birthday sale in 3 years and the turnout this year was amazing. If you're wondering why you're seeing less sales being advertised it's because we've been spoiling our VIPs. Subscribe to our website to become one.

What I can say is that I'm proud of how this month went. Our main goal for this month was to work on being consistent with creating content, posting it, and taking it more seriously. We hope you enjoyed what's been posted this far because there's much more to come.

Another goal was to grow our community. We wanted to reach at least 800+ followers on Instagram, 100+ followers on threads, and grow our VIP list more on our online website by the end of Jan. We managed to hit all 3 goals. A win is a win in my book!

Next month we want to get better with engagements. It does get hard with working a fulltime job and trying to run the business but if we're going to do this, we need to commit all around.

Thank you so much for all the birthday love/wishes, being VIPs, following us, shopping with us, and supporting us any way you have.Β 

Let us know your February goals!

Until next time,

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